A quick review of what part time job that I have done in this semester break.
24-25th Dec 2010
Maxis Christmas roadshow
Santa @ Jusco Aeon Bukit Indah

It was kinda an easy job for me. I had to report myself at 12pm and transform into Santa. Then, my job was just have to mingle around, distribute sweets and balloons to the kids, and of course, take picture with leng lui la! Took a lot of pictures with pretty girls (they requested me, not the other way round ^^). I wonder if they would still take picture with me without my costume on. lolx. My agent was a very kind malay guy and I got to know a malay DJ who can sing chinese song better than chinese! But too bad, I didn't take any picture of them.
8-9th Jan 2011
Knife brand Soya Sauce =="
Promoter @ Pasar Pagi Pokok Assam Taiping
Kicap kicap kicap~! A very nice working experience for me. First day of the event, Majlis Perbandaran Taiping came sapu 9 cartons of our stock. Erm, not a good day for my supervisor but it was a good day for me. They came sapu our stock, ended up I work lesser but still get the same pay.. Whee~
Will be having another part time job on few days before CNY at Billion Ayer Tawar. To my hometown friends that miss me, you can come and see me on 29th till 1st of Feb at there. lolx
I'm poor =[
p/s: Satisfied with my results~ ^^
8-9th Jan 2011
Knife brand Soya Sauce =="
Promoter @ Pasar Pagi Pokok Assam Taiping
Kicap kicap kicap~! A very nice working experience for me. First day of the event, Majlis Perbandaran Taiping came sapu 9 cartons of our stock. Erm, not a good day for my supervisor but it was a good day for me. They came sapu our stock, ended up I work lesser but still get the same pay.. Whee~
Will be having another part time job on few days before CNY at Billion Ayer Tawar. To my hometown friends that miss me, you can come and see me on 29th till 1st of Feb at there. lolx
I'm poor =[
p/s: Satisfied with my results~ ^^
santa fishy fishy...lol